8 comments on “#KidMin Create/Innovate/Relate

  1. Jamie,

    Great post. I think it’s far to easy to convince ourselves that we know the best way to do things without seeking out others for advice and guidance. I also appreciate that you listed asking kids first. How often do we ignore this great resource which is right at our fingertips? I am fortunate to have kids in the classes I teach. I get my best ideas and feedback from them, though they do often time “burst my bubble!”

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  3. Wayne – it’s the best research resource!

    Henry – appreciate your comment – thanks friend!

    Other ways to connect with the world of kids? Anyone? Anyone?

  4. I would HIGHLY recommend pursing a Seminary education!!! The right type of degree can give you leadership skills, solid theological foundation, influence within “the serious areas church’ (I say that in jest), etc.

    Specifically, the Master’s in Children and Family Ministry from Bethel is PHENOMENAL. With that program, not only do you get those things, but you get experiences in child development, creativity, a built-in networking group (it’s a Cohort based program), and exposure to many kinds of ministers and cultural experiences.

  5. Pingback: The Children’s Ministry Blog Patrol (March 2010) « Dad in the Middle

  6. I can’t agree more with your suggestions. Those are all great ways to stay in touch with doing kidmin!

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